0207 637 2888
0121 456 1778

Our Videos




Video Library

Please take some time and watch our videos.  Hear some patient experiences, and feel calmer after after watching our video about claustophobia and anxiety.

About Upright MRI – London clinic

How an Upright MRI Scan works

Mr John Sutcliffe – Spinal surgeon

Video walkthrough – MRI scan

Am I suitable for an MRI?

Benefits of an upright MRI

Claustrophobia or Anxiety

Why choose UprightMRI?

Weight Bearing and Positioning MRI Scans

Experiences and Services

The patient experience

MRI Claustrophobia


Refer your Patients

We welcome referrers and we will work closely with you to ensure your patient receives the best care and prompt diagnosis. Our experienced Consultant Radiologists will provide a report within 72 hours of the scan being performed to enable you then to prescribe the most appropriate treatment for the condition.


Refer Yourself

Refer yourself and book a scan today with Upright MRI at any one of our locations: London or Birmingham.

At this stage all we ask is that you complete a simple form and satisfy the safety questions. We will then contact you directly. 

Patient Testimonials

We pride ourselves on the feedback we have from our Patients. We are rated Excellent on Doctify. Read patient reviews below.

1707 Patient Reviews
Patients and Referrers

Start Your Journey

Book an MRI scan directly with us by completing the Self referral form or completing our enquiry form.  We will then contact you to discuss your specific requirements, and confirm the costs with you.


if you are a Referrer wishing to refer a patient complete our Private Patient or NHS Patient Referral forms.

Speak to the team

Get in Touch

Call us on 0207 637 2888 or complete our enquiry form if you would like to discuss an MRI scan with Upright MRI.

Our friendly team members are on hand and will be more than happy to help with any questions that you may have.




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The Birmingham Upright MRI Centre
CQC overall rating

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This service is no longer registered with CQC

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InHealth Community Diagnostic Centre - Fitzrovia
CQC overall rating